How to Change Careers Bootcamp

Take your next step with confidence.

This bootcamp is for you if:

  • You’re midway through your career and things aren’t going the way you’d hoped.
  • You’ve been out of the workforce for a while and you’re not confident about how to start again.
  • You're frustrated from applying for positions and not getting interviews.
  • You are a self-starter who just needs some clarity and a plan to get started.

It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

should I change jobs

Don’t waste another weekend dreading the upcoming work week.

Let us help you get clarity and create a plan to find the role and career you were meant to have.

Announcing, by popular demand, the name of this course

What The 4-Day Bootcamp Covers

You will learn tips and tricks from my 20+ years of recruiting experience:

  • What makes for a good resume and how to shine online (LinkedIn profile and your
    personal branding) so you will have recruiters looking FOR YOU!
  • How you articulate your skills and experience matter and knowing how to do so with
    clarity will help everyone involved see your value and know how you can fit into the
  • Interviewing is a skill which requires practice and preparation, so let’s get you ready
    for all types of interviews.
  • What is the value of your network? Knowing how to find others, what to say and when
    to join in the conversation is a very valuable skill as you navigate the job market.

You will have actionable steps to take and
tips to follow as you grow your confidence and abilities to land the job you want.

Join me for the 4-Day Bootcamp

You get 4 1-hour group sessions via Zoom with an additional 30-minute Question and Answer at the end of each session (valued at $ _______________)

Plus a 1-hour private coaching session with Brandy Peattie (valued at $________)

Access to each session recording if you are unable to attend.

Money-back guarantee: Fill this in

Landed my Ideal Role!

“Brandy is a real pro. She has a way of working with LinkedIn that made it easy for me to identify the job titles that matched the type of meaningful work I was looking for. She has a way of networking and teaching you to network that makes it fun, easy, and EFFECTIVE!” - N.V. - HR Professional


If you would like results like this, register now!

Brandy Small

If you are a self-starter I've got the map. Register now and we'll get you started.

Brandy Peattie

Career Change Coach