{Replace image with a hero shot of yourself}

{Ask a question or make a statement re: the promise of the lead magnet}

Start By Downloading {the name of the lead magnet}. PLUS watch the FREE training video.


Your Ultimate Lead Magnet Heading Here

Plus training video!

Additional benefits here!

  • Benefit #1

  • Benefit #2

  • Benefit #3

  • Benefit #4

The Ultimate Client Enrollment Blueprint - 16_9 - Images.001

{Add quote, testimonials, or authority icons here to add social proof}

Pam Sterling - Coaches On Fire

Your Name

Your Title

{Your endorsement of the lead magnet}  For example...

This is the exact Blueprint I use when enrolling clients into my high-end coaching program. I've honed this blueprint over time to make it the best possible enrolment process for the personal development industry.

Use it. It works.