Career Development Blog
Welcome to the career development blog from your leadership development consultants at Engaging Breakthroughs. We deliver organizational leadership development programs for improved employee engagement, team cohesiveness and performance. We also show professionals to how to communicate effectively and show up more authentically while stepping into greater leadership. For those ready to ditch the 9 to 5, we even offer a leadership program to make money doing what you love. If career development is your goal, you're in the right place.

Last week we talked about the 4 channels for effective communication at work. Let’s walk through an example situation where you might be able to practice this model to improve your work experience. In this example, imagine you’re working in an intimidating environment. Perhaps your coworkers or bosses are highly assertive, or most ideas and…
Read MoreSince I left my corporate consulting career to found Engaging Breakthroughs, I’ve been doing the work that I really love. I help individuals and teams to create the experiences they really want in their careers. However, it wasn’t always this way. There was a time as a consultant when I needed to improve my own…
Read MoreThere’s loads of advice out there about how to get a promotion at work. Professionals who tend to rise in their careers typically share certain habits: they own their responsibility, network with the right people, lead with vulnerability, and advocate for team members and themselves. However, what if you can’t seem to find time or…
Read MoreUpdate 11/23: This soft skills workshop has passed, but we often have new workshop dates available. Visit the homepage for the latest leadership training events online, in Dallas and beyond! It’s here: a local soft skills workshop in north Dallas! This two-and-a-half hour experience will put you on the right track to show up more…
Read MoreAfter Brene Brown’s viral TED Talk and the launch of her book The Power of Vulnerability, everyday people began talking about the concept of shame. Brown defines shame as fear of loss of connection. More specifically, we believe there are parts of ourselves that others would reject. We fear we’d lose respect, friendship, or prestige…
Read MoreLet’s talk about how to have difficult conversations. Stop what you’re doing for a moment, and just think about all the relationships that you have. This can include professional relationships such as your colleagues, superiors, direct reports, clients, vendors and competitors. It can also include personal relationships such as family and friends. Which relationship, if…
Read MoreOver several decades in the software consulting world, I came across the same powerful challenges time and again: How do we get our teams to perform at a higher level? How do we grow and scale to not only take on more clients, but also to expand the work we’re doing for our current clients?…
Read MoreMy belief is many people have forgotten who they are and where they come from. Many of us wander through our daily activities. We’re driven by our circumstances, rather than tuning in to our deepest values and desires. Our environments and experiences encourage us to adopt low-aim steering. We go with the flow of the…
Read MoreAt Engaging Breakthroughs, we support the development of strong team dynamics. When we say dynamics, we refer to the ways teams move and act in concert (or not). This includes communication habits and behaviors that become ingrained over time. When team dynamics are healthy, teams achieve maximum performance and scalability. When the dynamics are disjointed…
Read MoreIt’s the ultimate career question: How can I make money doing what I love? There are so many intelligent, talented, hard-working people stuck in unfulfilling careers. They want to live with greater purpose, but it’s hard to know where to begin. Formidable barriers stand in the way. As a result, it’s common to procrastinate and…
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Career Development Insight & Inspiration
with Craig & Monttein
Our goal is to help leaders break through career development barriers that keep them from showing up powerfully in the workplace. We're here to provide insight and inspiration to help professionals with varying goals. Whether your focus is team engagement, becoming a better leader, or escaping the rat race to live out your dream, the blog has something valuable to offer! Click here to learn more about Craig and Monttein.
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